God alone

‘You must worship the Lord your God, and serve him alone.’  Mt 4:10

We used to have a spare room in our house where we dumped stuff we weren’t using and every-so-often (usually before houseguests arrived), we’d clear it out, then resolve not to let it become a dumping ground again… but the resolve didn’t last. Lent is an opportunity to  clear out that room in our hearts, which God tends to have to share with the things we think we can’t do without and the accumulated detritus of our past.  It’s often not great huge things, but many small obstacles, or even just a thick layer of dust.  In clearing it out, we can begin to focus on worshipping God, and serving him alone.

Imagine yourself in that room.  Having cleared out the stuff (through persevering prayer, fasting, almsgiving) and having given the place a good dust and polish (aka sacramental confession), you realise that you are ‘alone with none but thee, my God’.  In the silence and the stillness of that room, it is not just easy, but almost impossible not to stay, in awe and wonder, in the presence of the Lord your God.

And in the silence of the heart, God speaks.